Adjust to life NOT been Busy
Not as easy as you might think.

This is my view on what it's like to not been busy or to be more specific what it's like when your once busy life becomes, well, not busy. This post is about a year after I become not busy and yes there was the year of 2020 to work with but did not have to much of an affect on what I am going to be specking about. 

Lets do a run down of what I call busy. Mornings use to start at 6:30am to allow for the commute to work which and the back home just after 6:00pm depending on the traffic. This was five days a week and the job would be classed as stressful. Your in the hot seat all the time. For six year I was also doing part time college which for most of the year would include up to ten hours of contact time and up to forty hours of self learning/assignments a week. Plus then you have family events (weddings, birthdays, etc) and needed holidays/breakaways to put into the mix. Also don't forget the other boring stuff in life, like making dinner, cleaning the house and food shopping. Oh food shopping, at one stage I worked out I needed to be doing two weeks shop in an hour so that I could fit stuff in.

If that was the past, what does the present look like. For work, when I am in the office the morning starts around 8:00am and back home 5:30pm ish but always before 6:00pm. On the days I am working from home (this trend started because of covid-19) the morning starts  around 8:30am and home from work at 5:00pm. Of course there is no college now but the events, holidays and the other boring stuff still exists.

So looking at the big differences. The work week is much shorter and a lot less stressful. And the huge time sync of college does not exist anymore. This is great I have more time for my self to do all the things I wanted to before but couldn't. Or that is how it would seem. All the time before was going into college or work and there was none to spare for hobbies. Which oddly meant now I have to find new hobbies to have fun with. Which is not as easy as it seems. There maybe some posts to follow around hobbies, I have found something interesting to work on.

We have seen what the past and present looks like. And what main differences look like. This post is about adjust to not been busy, now I don't have so many things to be doing, I can relax and take my time. But this is the problem now there is no hurry to get anything done and nothing is getting done as a result. Before I would follow Bullet Journalling religiously, if it was not on my list to do that day, it did not need to be done. Now I don't need to be that strict about my time or what I do and don't do, and I find I'm not doing as much now. Oddly when I had no time I was able to make time to spend with friends and family but now it's "I'll catch you next time". Next time never comes. Or if there was a job that needed to be around the house, such as fixing the bird bath, it would get done as it was on the to do list and there was time found to do it. Now the job of cleaning the drains is been put off because I have loads of time to do it anytime I want.

I think there needs to be a middle ground between the two very different worlds. You need to be busy to justify the planning out of your time but not so busy that you get burnt out. Of course there is few actions that can come from this post but mostly this is only an observation. Having lots of free time makes it hard to get things done as you have all the time in the world to do it but there is no stress and it's all very relaxed. Will been busy it a structured way allows you get the things that matters done. But this is more stressful and can be overwhelming. Note that the busy is in a structured way that is planned and not just been busy for the sake of been busy which is a waste of time and energy.

Over the coming months I am going to try plan my days out even tho there is no real reason to do this. But I would like to see if I start seen more things getting done even if there is no time pressure on the tasks.

Adjust to life NOT been Busy
Jim Fitzpatrick 1 February, 2021
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