Each section is kinda in order of how things happened over the year, but most stories are independent of each other. Some of the reasons for sharing these stories is I find them interesting. We have no idea how our bodies work. But another reason is, people don't tell their stories of the bad things that happen to them enough. I do get an odd sense of calmness from telling my story.
How it all started
As it was Friday and I had no headache I decided I was going to have a drink with the Chinese herself was bringing home after work. I also know that I could not just get a drink for myself, I should get something for her as well. So with the shopping bag I head to the off licence. With the car parked, I jumped out and was halfway across the car park I remember the shopping bag. Back to the car to pick it up. Of course, it had rolled/fallen to the farthest side of the car. I leaned in and stretch across the car to grab the bag. With this I got the sharpest pain in my head, right were the headache had being for the last few weeks. The whole thing was maybe 10 or 15 seconds, and then it was gone again.
Off to the shop I go and get my bits. Turns out the handles in the shopping were on their last legs and I didn't trust them. So I carried the bag of drink like a football. From the shop I drove home. At the time it felt like something was not right, but not like there was something wrong. Back at the house I found it hard to walk in a straight line into the house, even with holding the shopping bag center mass.
In the house I found myself needing to use the handrail going up and down the stairs, but at my normal speed. But there was something wrong, and I was starting to realize it. Not long after this herself was home, with food. I said I think I needed to go see the care doc, the doctor the is on call outside normal hours. The word from the care doc was to go to the hospital. I knew this was going to take a while, so of course I wolfed down some of the take-way as fast as I could. They were some nice spring rolls.
Of course, they have changed the hospital layout sense the last time I have being there. We went the long way around, the very long way around. Even had to ask one of the staff now to get to A&E. It is not even called A&E anymore, it's ED. On the walk in we lock arms to give me some support. It was only in a conversation weeks later that I found out she thought I was messing and try to walk her into things. This was not the case I couldn't walk straight, and it was getting worse.
First hours
The first hours were not great in hospital. Everything was pointing to vertigo caused by Covid as speech, motor control and cognitive abilities were not affected. There was even talks of sending me back home. But what kept me there was my gate was a bit John Wayne like, they decide to keep me.
Over the night my head started to spin, the room was spinning like nothing I have seen before. I wasn't long before I was violently sick, this was the start. Drifting in and out of sleep. When awake being sick. Hours had pasted before I got to a ward. For me, it was only a few hours, but seemly about 15 hours had past at this stage.
On the way to the ward (I think) I need an x-ray which I had to stand for. I need to be help stand, when standing all my weight was on the machine. Still at this point my mind was sleepy, I was not sure what was going on.
Once on the ward I need to move the up bed head rest to even be able to try seat up, I had lost most of my motor control. Whatever was happening to me was still ongoing. I needed to be help from the bed to a wheelchair, and back again. This was the lowest point.
It was a general ward that I was admitted to and not the stroke unit. In one sense I think for my mental state this may have being one of the best things that happened to me.
For doctors, what is normal?
People that know me know that I can have an odd way about going on, especially when asked questions. For does that don't know I tend to put gaps in my sentence and talk about people in the third person, myself included. Most of the time this not a problem, but when doctors are trying to assess your ability to speak.
I was luckily that for first initial visit of the doctors, of which there was many, may partner was present. Many times you would see the doctors look to them with glaring eyes that were asking was this normal behavior. To which the response was always yes this is normal. I did find this funny but also a little concerning, not from a health point, but from who am I point.
It is concerning that the doctors don't know what your normal is, so if your one to joke or always brush stuff off saying it is grand, they can only take you on your word. This also showed how important it is to have someone with you that knows what you are like. Not everyone that was omitted to the ward had that, and you could sometimes see and hear the fear within them
A Shower to far
"would have being a great achievement" should be a clue to this not going well. I don't need to go into the detail of the actual shower, it was hard. While I had control, I didn't quite have enough control to manage on my own. It was after the shower where I failed. It was the getting dressed. I think the heat of the room from the shower, trying to get dressed standing and not get my clothes wet by water puddles that may have being on the floor. I so nearly fell. I burned through all my energy. To get back to the bed I needed to ring the bell and get help. I had pushed myself to far.
Pushing myself to far by having the shower, I reckon it put me back about two days of recovery. Which is a lot and very disheartening. Every cloud has a sliver lining so what is the lining here? From the exercise, I learned I can not push myself pass my limits to far, if at all. I needed to be pushing my limits to get better. Knowing that pushing to harder will cause more harm, you learn to control your want, but also you see how important it is to take time to relax and recover.
There was the one other thing. Help was always there if I needed it. Ringing the bell would bring help, but you have to be willing to except the help.
Forgetting to breath
This one time I realized why it was happening and from knowing why it was happening I could change my behaviour to resolve the issue. So what was happening. I was so focused on keeping my right arm strong to hold me up in the frame, and about how to move my knee and foot to be able to take a step, I was forgetting to breath.
It may seem like a stupid thing, how could you forget to take breath? Would that not have being a very natural thing to do? To that I would say yes, but you also don't have to think about your balance, and I did for a long time.
Finally, the MRI
So you get asked the all the questions. The main one is do you have any metal on you in a shape or form. To this my answer was no, no piercings, no plates, yes to watch, but that was removed and left with the heart monitor, across the hall.
At this point I was starting to be able to move around again. Still getting on to the bed was not easy. They put down a paper like sheet as a covering. This moved around easily which made getting on the bed harder. It is the little things that seem to cause the most issues.
This was also around the time I had the hiccups. They even waited to see if they would stop, I told them they will not. Moving can mess up the scan, so they don't want you to move. Hiccups kind of makes that hard. I was able to control my monition enough.
The give you ear plugs and headphones with music playing. MRI scans are so noisy. A few moments into the scan one of the staff comes rushing into the room and pulls me out of the machine. They are asking me a question but with the headphones and ear plugs I can't hear a word. The question was do you have any metal in my left ear? My answer was no, then they asked if they could check. Nothing was found, and they were happy to send me back into the machine. No idea what they were detecting in their control room.
After the scan they of course ask you how you are. I think I surprised them a bit. I found the whole thing very relaxing. The machine vibrates in kind of pluses which seemed to relax my muscles. For the sound it seemed to calm the mind. I do find it easier to sleep with pink noise, so maybe there is something there. If the scan had being much longer I think I would have fallen asleep.
hiccups, oh my god
Of course, I was in the hospital, so they could do something for it. The first though was due to all the meds that I was on, my stomach was in a knot and the acids out of balance. So I was given a gaciscon like medicine. Right now I can't remember the actual name, but that doesn't even matter. A doctor did need to approve the giving any medicine, so that took a while. Then there is how long should it take to start working. If the acid were out of balance, how long to it take to get back in balance?
During the second day it was realized the gaciscon like medicine was not working, was having no affect. Something else need to be given. I was given a chemical blocker of some kind, don't ask me the name. The problem was not with my stomach, it was in my mind. My mind had decided it needed to be hiccuping. This tablet worked almost straight away. It was so relaxing not to be hiccuping.
There was a different issue now, when do I stop taken the tablets? Am I going to be on them forever? Medicine rounds were four times a day if I remember correctly, and we slowly wean me off the tablets. Sometimes this was too fast and the hiccups came back.
Of everything that happened, including having to learn to walk again, the hiccups were by far the worst thing. I think the reason for this is I could not control them. Every thing else seemed like it was within my control or at least I could influence it in some manner, but not the hiccups.
Growing finger nails
How that all works I don't know, but it is something that you would never considered as a side affected to the stroke. It again shows we don't know how our bodies work. I don't even know what changed to get them growing at their normal rate again.
Going back to work
If I was still working in some of my past places of employment I would have taken the third, maybe even a fourth month to recover in a heart beat. In those places I would have being expected to give a 110 from day one as I would have being expected to catch up on the work that I was out for.
While this is not about the bad place we have worked, it is about the good places. When things are going good, and every thing is normal we can take for granted the goodness of where we work. I think in the first week that I was back, the only time the work was talked about, and not my well being, was when I raised the topic. Everyone gave me their time, everyone was interested to hear what happened. It was all a bit much truth be told.
It also helped that when I was going back to work it was around Easter. This meant the first two weeks were shorter than normal, and that I needed. Realistically, I was not fully ready to go back, but I needed to push my limits and at home I was just not able to do it like work could. So for a while I did shorter days, took naps when I felt I needed them. I didn't put myself into a position where a lot would depend on me being a 100%. I was a risk to work not getting done, and like any risk, if you know it is there you can manage it. So I did.
The more I worked the more I could work. Time is the great healer. Knowing that I had to push my limits to increase my limits, but also understand what happens if I push those limits to far to fast, would allow me to recover at a healthy pace. It possible took me the best part of three more months to get fully back to where I was before the stroke work wise. The hardest part of the whole thing was not trying to balance the expectations of those you work with, those in charge, it is balancing your own expectations. I know full well that I should be able to do more, but couldn't. That is hard, and can be disheartening.
It is this disheartening that can destroy your progress. Like anything there will be good and bad days, up and downs. Knowing that you can move forward, knowing that there is others that have your well being in their interests will help.
How the table turns
Like all other rehab I was give exercises to practice at home, most these were around getting strength into may ankles. If you have a strong footing balance is much easier. One such exercises is to stand on one leg while doing something, making lunch or working. As I work at a standing desk I still find my self doing this from time to time.
But then there are also exercises that you need equipment in order to do them. So these exercises I would do in the rehab center. I am sorry I don't know the names of the exercises, but I will explain the two that I want to mention.
For both the goal is to be able to easily, smoothly with control and your eyes closed balance on a board while moving. The first one is like a sea-saw where you rock forwards and backwards by pivoting your ankles up and down. I found this really hard. The number of times I would tip forward as I couldn't control where my center of mass was going to be, was discouraging.
Then I had to do the second exercises, which the physiotherapist describe as much harder than the first exercises. After hearing that I was not filled with hope. To describe this exercise you are standing on a disc with one center point that touches the ground, like a spinning top. Unlike a spinning top, the edge of the disc is to touch the ground at all times. The idea is by the movement in your ankles, knees and hips, you have to roll the disc around in a circle going clockwise and anti-clockwise. Not only is the coordination of the body parts a challenge, you also have to balance with your head rotating. If your movement was not smooth the disc would turn in a jumpy motion making it very hard to balance. As the disc is rotating, so are you, this meant grabbing the railing was not as easy as in the first exercises.
However, within a few attempts I was able to do the turn table exercises with my eyes closed and with increasing speed. To be fair I did find going left harder than going right. To me, this exercise made sense, it was easy, and I do understand why physiotherapist describe it as hard. But even with the improved control I how had from that exercise, doing the sea-saw exercise was still extremely hard. Time allowed me to get better, practices is a great equalizer.
I think finding the easier exercise harder may have helped me realize that some task will be harder for some unknown reason, while harder task can be easy if the body understands how to do it.
Getting the balance back
It was coming into the summer, we final had our first good weekend. So what do you do, you go to the beach. I may case we went to Tramore Co. Waterford, to go for a walk along the quay (walking on shifting sand would have been a step to far), and get ice cream. Everyone had the same idea. The place was packed with people. There is no such thing as walking in a straight line. You need to weave your way through the crowd. This means changing direction and predicting were the people you are meeting are going.
That is some thing we in our subconscious, but I couldn't, I needed to plan every move and path I would take. This all the while having to actively manage my balance. You might image this takes a lot out of you. Yes, very much so. It took a week to recover form it. Every day I need to take naps. My work did suffer, I was suffering, everything suffered.
It was on the Monday a week later that I woke to something not being right. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something was different. During the day I froze going down the stairs, I had realized what was different. I had not though about my balance all day. Just like that I could do things that the day before seemed so hard I wouldn't even attempt it. One example was standing in the square of the tile in the kitchen and jumping up doing a 180 to land on the same title. That may not seem like a hard task but for me, the day before, that would have being an impossible task. Later that day when out for my evening walk the rescue helicopter was out. While continue to walk in a straight line, I was able to turn my head in the direction of the noise. Again that seem like such a simple task, but when it is you actively thinking about how to balance none of that is simple.
Sports and Social Club
So what did they do. They organised two events in in particular which accelerated my recovery. The first being badminton every week for an hour for a month. This started few days after my balance had decide to work by itself. Even though I had my balance back my movement was not fluid I was still very stiff. The idea of playing a racket sport was crazy. Before doing this of course I got medical advice from my physio. His response said a lot. It was a great idea, but also a stupid idea. My limits were going to be pushed so hard, it will hurt a lot, but it would do the world of good.
As long as I didn't over do it, I would be okay. As long as I understood my body can do what my mind thinks it can do, I would be okay. Of course the first day was a group of us trying to learn the sport, which is also very taxing on the mind. But I was also trying to play with younger people who can move much faster than I can. Of course the first week I over did it. I used all my energy. But that wasn't even the worst part. It was the pains in the body. I was using muscles that I possible hadn't used for years and with my messed up nervous system, this caused hours of pain. Which meant sleep was broken once again to only a few hours. This can snow ball, and affects all parts of your life.
Week two was something the same, but this time it didn't take as long to recover. Each week took a bit less to recover, and each week I found myself moving much faster. I found my self being able to compete with those who this was also there first time playing. This experience change me so much that when I seen flyers to join a badminton club a few months later I jumped at the chance to join. Now, I play twice a week most weeks and I feel so much better for it. I know I still have limits I can cross, but I also know I am pushing those limits further and further every.
The next event was a steps challenge. This was an interesting event as all we had to do was walk. "All we had to do", in February my watch recorded me doing less then 300 steps in a day, for some days. The monthly counts was around 33k steps. Of course for the challenge I was sick again at the start of the month, god I hate covid. When the body is down it is the last thing you want.
Again I seen this as a way to push my limits. I could have made my walks easy by walking on flat ground, but were is the fun in that. I even did a trip to Co. Clare to do the Caher Valley Loop. That was such a nice day. The walk was 14km long and hard, really hard, but I took my time. It was a enjoyable day.
But there was one walk that I always wanted to do, but always had a fear of. The want to do this was there even before the stroke. I wanted to do a loop walk that brings you by Mahon Falls. This walk would start at the Crough Coffee in Mahon Bridge, taking the Crough wood walk to Mahon Falls. Then using the roads to pass over the gap and loop back around again. This is also about 14km and fear had always stopped me from doing. I know what the hills are like, I have driven it may a times.
But for the last weekend in the steps challenge it was the perfect challenge to finish on. This would have being a milestone achievement in my recovery. I gave myself loads of time and I sent off. To my surprise, it wasn't hard. Not saying it was easy, it is still 14km in the comeragh mountains, but it was not hard. The fear that I had was not justified, but when is any fear justified. The walk I did the weekend before in Clare was far harder, but I never questioned my ability to do it.
The steps challenge gave me faith in my ability to go explore and keep my self safe on the terrain. I still don't trust my self walking at the cliffs edge, but then I never did. So fear is still a good thing.
If the sports and social club had not planned those events, would I be at the stage I am today, possible not. It was a reason to push my self. Beating 20 something years at badminton and following up with "you know I was able to walk at the start of the year or balance two weeks ago", is such a nice feeling. I know it is mean, but hey. Then the steps challenge gave the reason to be out and about. Why do the local loop when you can explore the world we live in. It is a mind set change, which is always worth it.
Food, I want food
Now I get very little pleasure from the taste of food. Most of the joy is gone. But the harder thing is always being hungry and never getting full. I mean I don't get that feeling of full, or satisfied. The only way I know I am full is when my stomach hurts because I have eaten too much. The Christmas dinner is a good example, I was still hungry after it. Even with going for seconds during the meal, and it is the one meal where it is never a small plate of food.
Controlling the hungry is so hard. There has being times when I have eaten the weeks worth of food shop in a few hours, because the drive for more was so great. People say that I have to manage my in take, and ya that is true. But it is by no means easy. I know how I would manage it if I could, I would not have it in the house to start with. That does not work as I am not the only one in the house, and that would be really on fair on others. The idea always being hungry is hard for people to understand. The idea of never being full is hard for people to understand.
Like everything to do with the stroke this is not fully black and white. Over the last few weeks the symptoms have not been as strong. I can now smell food on the street and not have my stomach grumbling with the hungry. Still don't get full when I am eating, but some of the joy from the taste is starting to come back. Getting the joy of taste back might also be a bad thing. How hard is it to stop doing something that you are enjoying.
There is support
One of the course which was held online over four weeks was "ACTivate Your Life". The ACT of the ACTivate stands for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and the course is about learning how to live life with the new normal. While there was lots of information given in the course there was one thing that resonated with me. Pain and suffer are not the same thing. At the time if I was not standing the nerves in my legs and feet would be firing with such pain. Sitting for any length of time was so hard. Getting to sleep at night meant first fighting my nerve system. I was in a lot of pain, but I was not suffering. Knowing that fact can bring so much relief, and it did. While the nerves firing was painful, I was okay with letting them do what they needed to do, and try to understand what was going on.
Today it is better but still not "normal", sitting is hard for any length of time. A stand desk makes my work life so much easier. I don't understand why standing does not have the same level of nerve reactions, but it does have some. To be clear there are times in where standing is also painful, and I need to sit. The other is also true where both standing and sitting is painful. In those cases you just have to deal with it. While I may be in a lot of pain at times, I am never suffering. That mind set is a very strong thing.
The mindfulness course
There was one practice that I can't remember the name of which is about sitting with a problem and asking it questions. The goal is not to solve the problem, but to come to an understanding and acceptances of the problem. This stood out to me mostly because timing was good, I was having an issue that I didn't accept. As I had to learn to walk again that meant learning how to control the different parts of the body again. At this time I was losing control of my right foot/ankle when going to walk down the stairs. Oddly walking down the stairs is on place you need to know you can trust your feet to be pointing in the right direction. So this was a concerning problem. During the practice I talked to my foot and ankle, asking question about why they were doing what they were. It was never about getting them to stop doing, but for me to accept that they were doing it. As strange as it sounds, talking to your own foot, it worked. I found I had to correct the movement far less after doing it, and I was angry with myself anymore over losing that control in the first place.
Possible the biggest take-away was the others that were in the group. Everyone had a heart attack or stroke. The range of people went from young to old. Everyone was so different, but yet relatable. Natural people will share stories, and while everyone's story is different there was much common ground. Some talked about the hard time they were currently facing, and it was heartbreaking as we knew far too well what they were going through. You can and should talk about issue your having with others, no matter what the issue is, but there is more when you find people that have the same issues. While you may have the same issues how people approach deal with the issues can be so different. There was one person in the group who wanted to hide away from the pain, and for me the pain is a great point of interest. It's not that I like being in pain, I like trying to understand the pain and how it moves around. The two of us had a great conversation about how we saw the pain. Hopefully they can find peace with it now, like I have.
How strong are your muscles?
Afterwards the idea that the size of you muscles is what gives them strength ran around my mind as it is not true. When I was in the hospital my calves were like jelly, they were so squishy. And they were not the only muscles like that. Image standing and when you step you feel the bones in your foot pushing the muscles around. Today my muscles are not like that, but I don't think it is all because I have got the strength back in them. I think it is because the mind knows how to control the muscle.
There were times I would feel the nerves pulling at my muscles in all the wrong ways, it would be extremely painful, but afterwards control was better. Thinking about it now, I think the strength was better also. I mention how I could feel the bones moving around in my foot. Luckily that does not happen anymore, but can. When I am mentally tired I can feel the bones in my feet moving around more. Not as much as the initial days. If I am physically tired the problem does not happen.
The mind is very powerful, and we have no idea how the body works. While muscle will play a part in your strength, the mind will play a bigger rule. The mind is how we control that strength. So it only makes sense if the mind has a better understanding of how to wield those muscle, they will be stronger. We have all heard stories of mothers doing great feats of strength to save their children. Yes, adrenal would play a rule, but also their mental state in that they have to do this, has to have an effect.
For now
Problems are only hard if we don't want to face them. They are only hard the first time we face them. We are resilient, we can recover from a lot, we can overcome a lot. As hard as the place your currently in, there are two other types of people out there. Those who are in a better place, and those in a worse place. Our minds are beautiful, we can do so much.
Appreciate what you have, take joy from the simple things. One day it will be all gone. If there are stairs, run up it while you still can. If there are items on your bucket list, yeah you should think about doing it sooner than later. Something new you want to learn but feel it would be too hard, it maybe, but you can do it.