We have moved
and it is for the better.

People may not know but this is a rebranding of an existing site that I posted blogs too. I guess the first that need to be told is not a fan of posting to third party sites. It's the whole feeling that your the product they are selling but that's my view. On the plus side you should never see a pay wall here.

Getting back to what I wanted to talk about. The old site was jfitzpatrick.me which is using github pages. While this does work and makes it easy to post on. It looked bad, really bad but that's okay I learned that I can't do styling (already did know this).

Preview of jfitzpatrick.me
Look at the great styling
I am not saying my styling will get any better but I don't think it can be any worse. Plus this time I have the help of a WYSIWYG editor. But wait I am doing a blog site so your using wordpress. No no, I'm not for this site I am using a self hosted version of odoo.

Why self hosted there is two main reason. It cost me money each month, therefore I am more likely to use it, more likely to create new content. To get the newsletter feature cost a lot of money for something I many use ten times a year, at most.

I guess all that is left to say is welcome to boomatang.com. All the posts before this one have been move over from jfitzpatrick.me. Do check them out hopefully you enjoy the read.

Going to say one last thing. I was playing with the idea of building my own site from the ground up. At some point one later night I was flash of "you stupid fool what do you think your doing creating your own blog platform". Now we are here enjoy.

We have moved
Jim Fitzpatrick 1 December, 2020
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