Tool Changing
Embrace what even happens

It is said that change is a good thing and I agree. Even change for the worse is a good thing. Why? It teaches us what we liked and can drive the want for more change.

So changing your tooling, what could go wrong? You become less productive, you feel lost and don't understand. Yes these could happen but also you may find your self being more productive and you may even see new ideas come to mind which lead to higher productive.

Today after years of using the Teminator Terminal Emulator I have switched. The switched is not fully done still a few machines left to change but I am switching fast and hard. I want to say I like Teminator, it is a great terminal and over years I have learned how I can best use it. There is the problem, I now have tunnel version. I don't see the new things that could be.

For now I have moved to use kitty. It is similar but different. There are some feature that I am already after a day liking. Kitty has a notion of extensions, which are called kittens, there is one called icat which allows the opening of images in in the terminal. It can even open gif's. I don't see my self using it to much but it is nice to know about. There are also integrations with diff tools and git. This is something I am looking forward to learning more about.

While the main function of a terminal will not be changing anytime soon, the adding of these extra features are nice. What I have also noticed this is the start of the change process. By the time I am done I maybe on yet a different terminal or made it a full circle back Teminator. No matter what happens I will learn new things. It will be a good thing.

Raping this up. If we find that we are doing the same thing day in and day out, maybe its time for a change. A change does not have to be this big thing that shakes your whole life.  Small changes can lead to large improvements happening as a side affect. 

Tool Changing
Jim Fitzpatrick 20 February, 2022
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